
International Business Development & Facilitation

Turdetania Consulting


Turdetania, the region which encompassing the Guadalquivir valley, coincided with the ancient territories held by the Tartessos civilization. Called Bética when conquered by Rome, it currently forms part of Andalusia.

Influenced by the Mediterranean Sea, this land, with its strong commercial character, has been witness to cultural mixing and holds worldwide importance from a logistic-commercial point of view.

Who Are We?

“Professionals whose extensive experience is at your disposal.”

Turdetania Consulting is a multidisciplinary team that provides services to help companies, associations, organizations, institutions, etc., internationalize their products and / or services at any point in the process. To that end, a team of professionals with extensive local and international experience lies at their disposal.

Our Network

“More than 40 international markets.”

Turdetania Consulting, through their association with ARGOS Consulting ( and IBF International (, has a physical framework in more than 20 countries, operating in more than 40 different markets

Our worldwide network of business advisors is directed by a professional in international trade and business promotion.

Our consultancies all have the following main attributes: They all have permanent offices in these markets.

Each office is headed by a consultant who is a professional in foreign trade with more than 15 years of experience in the market in question.

This professional is flexible and able to adapt to the specific needs of the company seeking services in order to become more of a partner than a supplier, and a true arm for the company in the target market.

Turdetania Consulting


“We adapt to the specific needs of the company.”

Our objective is to aid in the internationalization of companies via an integral process, with a consistent win-win mentality.

Among our main services, the following can be highlighted:

  • Prior assessment
  • Market studies
  • Search for potential partners, contact, and follow-up
  • Organization of commercial activities, fairs, etc.
  • Export-representation office
  • Supplier localization
  • Commercial and productive implementation
  • Purchasing headquarters
  • Communication campaigns and product promotion
  • Investment projects
  • Tourism promotion support
  • Staff selection
  • Strategic planning for internationalization
  • Bids, etc.
  • Lobbying in international markets
Turdetania Consulting
Turdetania Consulting